College Park

The Challenge
Since the City of College Park does not have a police department nor its own ORI number, the City required an agency agreement with an existing police department to authorize automated speed camera infractions. They also needed a full-service solution to establish an automated speed enforcement program and a vendor that would be willing to help navigate the entire process.
Things changed mid-program when in 2014, due to the tragic deaths of two (2) University students while crossing Route 1. The City of College Park, University of Maryland, and State Highway Association (SHA) officials were looking to quickly add more traffic calming measures including automated speed enforcement at that particular intersection in response to the public safety emergency.
The Solution
The City relied on Altumint to help navigate from the planning stages of the program through implementation and operation by obtaining SHA permits and providing back- office services to process and mail violations. Altumint also helped the City contract off-duty police officers from the Prince George’s County Police Department to authorize the infractions.
After the tragic deaths in 2014, under the Maryland Automated Speed Enforcement Law, the University was authorized to expand their automated enforcement hours to 24/7 monitoring. Altumint was able to deploy additional portable Pro ATE (Automated Traffic Enforcement) appliances, just days after authorization, specifically in the areas of concern. These appliances capture speeding violations 24/7/365 in all weather conditions. Integrating 10K pulse/sec Lidar or 4D Radar sensors, IR illumination and a powerful CPU, Altumint’s Pro ATE solutions cover up to 6 lanes of uni or bi-directional traffic. Altumint’s AI reads the plate, state, color, make and type of every vehicle – no need for obsolete OCR (Optical Character Recognition) requiring one camera per lane. Altumint’s expert team of technicians install and maintain these turnkey solutions throughout the life of the program both in the University of Maryland enforcement zone and in two adjacent school zones.
The Result
Once additional cameras were deployed on Route 1 in the area of concern, both the 85th percentile and mean speeds were reduced by over 4 mph representing a 12% and 14% decrease, respectively, in just a 14-month period.
Program Overview
Program includes complete Altumint back-office support services such as: citation processing, payment processing,officer training,and expert witness support
Altumint has been very supportive in our goal to reduce traffic crashes within the City of Dayton. I highly recommend Altumint’s services to any Government that has a need for their technology.