
Be The Hero

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Automated person detection works to identify and classify specific individuals


Use time-indexing to collect data on similar characteristic individuals in a particular location, for example, this feature could detect any individual wearing a white t-shirt walking through a specific location between 9 AM and 5 PM


Create a video-synthesis of a person’s actions over days or hours at a particular location or multiple locations from multiple camera angles

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Who it Serves

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Law Enforcement and Security Teams
Law Enforcement and Security Teams
These tools are essential where law enforcement and security teams are looking to track the behaviour of certain suspects, looking to identify potential suspects at or near the scene of a crime, and conducting general forensic investigations.
Retail Establishments
Retail Establishments
Businesses can use video synthesis and time indexing to determine how individuals interact with their store and for how long. Our trajectory tracking tool enables the creation of heat maps to identify patterns and dwell times for retail experience optimization and display efficiency. This data can also be leveraged to track suspicious behaviour and protect retail assets.
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